Field Care and Storing your Specimen
Shoulder Mount Mammals
This applies to Deer, Elk, Antelope, Rams, Moose, and horned African mammals
If you have harvested an animal that you want to get a shoulder mount done of, follow along with the video below for great instructions on how to cape out your specimen. The video will walk you through how to take the necessary measurements for the taxidermist and the capeing process.
If you are not confident in doing this that's no problem, feel free to bring in your specimen to us and we will take care of it for you.
Once this process is complete see our storage tips down below to see how to safely and efficiently store your specimen to ensure a quality mount.
As for the next step in the process and to be able to transport and animal out of a CWD Zone, you will need to remove the horns from the skull. The video below describes step by step of how to do this.
Life Size Mounts
With any animal that you choose to get a life size mount of please gut the animal if able, then bring your specimen into us as soon as practical. We will then take care of capeing it and preparing it for a life size mount for you.
Storage of Specimen
Waterfowl and Upland Birds
With any waterfowl species harvested proper storing of it crucial to having the best quality mount possible.
After shooting DO NOT ring the neck and DO NOT gut or pluck any feathers on the bird.
Gently tuck the head of the bird under a wing or over the back of the bird.
Wrap the head and feet of bird with a damp paper towel. This will help prevent freezer burn of these areas.
Keep out of sunlight and place inside of 2 Ziploc freezer bag or trash bag (dependent on size of bird). Freeze as soon as possible.
Broken bones are fixable but missing or broken feather are not so keep the bird where it will stay untouched until you get it frozen.
The less you handle the bird and touch the feathers the better, as it causes trauma and displacement or interlocking of feathers.
The species will be fine in the freezer for up to 1 year until you decide to get it mounted. Any longer than 1 year in the freezer and freezer burn may occur.

Once caught, place the fish in a cooler with ice to keep it from spoiling.
For fish mounts please take photos of fish in very well lighted area with natural sunlight. This keeps the colors from becoming distorted by artificial light. Also, take photos as soon as possible after catching the fish as the colors will be the most natural. As the fish lays around and starts to die the colors will fade and start to distort.
Once able wrap the fish in a wet towel and place into a trash bag and freeze.
Can be stored in freezer for up to 1 year, any longer and freezer burn may occur.
This includes: Coyotes, Wolves, Fox, Mink, etc..
Dependent on size, place the animal in a trash bag and place in freezer to be stored
Can be stored in freezer for up to 1 year, any longer and freezer burn may occur.